Citation - Providence Gazette: 1772.10.31

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Index Entry Aristides, author of lyric [beg] Celestial science raptur'd was 
Location Providence 
31 Oct 1772:11,12,13 (460)
[signed] Aristides.
  Celestial science raptur'd was descry
  Refulgent beaming o'er the western sky;
  Bright liberty extends her blisful reign,
  With all the graces sparkling in her train;
  . . . [4 lines follow]
. . . [3 column article on slavery and freedom]  The scene
is finely anticipated by the ingenious Mr. Dwight, in his
poem on the settlement of the British colonies:
  I see where discord, thund'ring from afar,
  Sounds her shrill trump, and wakes the flames of war;
  Rous'd by her voice, vast hosts together driven,
  Shake the wide earth, rend air, and darken heaven:
  . . . [8 more lines

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1772.10.31 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0042051
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